
Menampilkan postingan dari Januari, 2018

COPYTRACK - Daftar Hak Cipta Global Di Masa Depan

Industri citra digital dan perizinan berkembang pesat seiring dengan berkembangnya kamera digital berkualitas tinggi. Akibatnya, arus masuk fotografi berkualitas tinggi sekarang ada di berbagai pasar yang belum dimanfaatkan. Pasar untuk gambar digital memiliki beberapa kemacetan yang masih harus diatasi. Lanskap komersial membuat perolehan fotografi mahal bagi pembeli. Selain itu, prosesnya kurang transparan dan tidak menguntungkan bagi seniman. Industri ini dikendalikan oleh hanya beberapa pemain yang menyimpan hingga 70% dari pendapatan dan pemegang hak cuti dengan sedikit kompensasi. Blockchain adalah teknologi yang mengganggu yang berpotensi memecahkan banyak masalah dalam industri pengelolaan hak: identifikasi, pelacakan penggunaan, dan pengelolaan konten digital; pembayaran kontrak pintar kepada pemegang hak; serta transfer atau penjualan hak sebagian atau keseluruhannya. The native token (CPY) akan memberi bahan bakar pada kontrak yang berinteraksi dengan registrar ya


Bitcoin Atom discusses the issues that are currently gripped by the world's most famous Blockchain.  Of course it is Bitcoin.  Bitcoin because it emerged from the scene, revolutionized, because it has touched the mediators of the whole story, the facts of the transaction and nothing is expensive, and the inability to fight the currency.  All of this inspires the extension we see today. Bitcoin Atom (BCA) presents a completely decentralized way to exchange digital assets - with the chain atoms on the ship.  Using its built-in hash time-locked (HTLC) contract and its own HTLC API, Bitcoin Atom tries to convert current crypto cryptoes, which provides freedom from centralized content and entities. We believe it is a cryptocurrency trade to be carried out on the chain in a decentralized way, in accordance with the original Bitcoin approach to transact in a totally unbelieving environment. Off-chain (LN) lightning transitions, bringing the ability to exchange assets


Bitcoin Atom discusses the issues that are currently gripped by the world's most famous Blockchain.  Of course it is Bitcoin.  Bitcoin because it emerged from the scene, revolutionized, because it has touched the mediators of the whole story, the facts of the transaction and nothing is expensive, and the inability to fight the currency.  All of this inspires the extension we see today. Bitcoin Atom (BCA) presents a completely decentralized way to exchange digital assets - with the chain atoms on the ship.  Using its built-in hash time-locked (HTLC) contract and its own HTLC API, Bitcoin Atom tries to convert current crypto cryptoes, which provides freedom from centralized content and entities. We believe it is a cryptocurrency trade to be carried out on the chain in a decentralized way, in accordance with the original Bitcoin approach to transact in a totally unbelieving environment. Off-chain (LN) lightning transitions, bringing the ability to exchange assets